Family and Colleagues went down to this club at Amberroad.
It's a private lounge and ladyboss wanted everyone from Umeya,DongDaeMon,Kitchen&Office there.
Well, Umeya and Office (except me.) Went in and dance.
I on the other hand pooled with daddy and uncle Melvin.
Dad and I just got crazy pooling, super lotsa stuns i tell you.
Too bad never video. Daddy even had all-slice once!
& I'm proud to say my Pool skills are BACK :D
I fucking owned dad. WOOOTS.
And drank quite alot with them.
We went downt to bowling court to fetch sister.
Dad saw bowling & got possesed -.-
He started and didnt want to end.
Till Mum got pissed and walked away first :x
After that, our family & some of the colleagues went to sentosa.
Ahhh, saw candice (i think.) and yichelle.
And guess what, yichelle pushed me and my phone dropped 10ft down.
My phone was a goner. Cos my screen just fucked up on me not long ago.
Now, it's totally screwed. No words to describe.
And while I'm typing this on 29thJan 12Noon, A POSTMAN CAME.
Will talk about it on the 29thJan post.
Went home after Sentosa, went online till the next day. Didnt sleep a wink.
So.. (Next day already, of cos next post lah!)PHOTOS~
*Ps.My dad very shuai that day. :
Corruption marked 1/27/2009 05:37:00 PM